All the Birds in the Sky by Charlie Jane Anders

Well I finally read this book as it has been hyped up by all the publication outlet.  I was in a bit of a hurry to finish it because the book is overdue and there a ton of holds on it.  Overall I found it to be engaging, but definitely not as groundbreaking as everyone has it out to be.  It gently pokes fun at the typical speculative fiction tropes (fantasy versus sci-fi), especially concerning the romantic subplot.  By the end of the story, however, I was disappointed with everything wrapping up in a neat little bow.  The apocalypse backdrop for the personal development of the two characters was a little distracting and ultimately lessened any meaningful character growth.  Also, the ending seemed a bit rushed with the attempt to tie everything together in a neat little bow.  Overall, lemonade but don’t get roped in by all the hype or else you might be a little disappointed.

Read-A-Likes: The Magicians Trilogy by Lev Grossman

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