Rick Riordan Presents: Phase 1

The middle grade Percy Jackson series by Rick Riordan is beloved by all ages, but features very Euro-centric mythology. Which isn’t bad per se, but it would be nice to see multiple perspectives and diversity in children’s lit. So many people were excited when Disney decided to cash in on the middle grade adventures by creating the Rick Riordan Presents imprint. As an editor, Rick Riorsan curates submissions featuring many more cultures. The publishing schedule of this imprint reminds me of Marvel’s methodology, hence the title of the post.

Here are my thoughts on the books of Phase 1 as Phase two seems to be starting soon with sequels. Note that I listened to the audiobooks of all the novels.

Cover image for Aru Shah and the end of time

Aru Shah and the End of Time by Roshani Chokshi

The start of the imprint is strong with this Mahabharata-inspired adventure. Aru Shah is both a typical 12 year old who wants to fit in at a school where she feels out of place as a minority and a little bit unique due to the fact that she lives in an actual museum. Lonely with her curator mother off on frequent trips, Aru likes to embellish the truth a bit to suit her needs. This fibbing puts her and the world in danger when she accidentally releases an ancient enemy. She learns she is a reincarnated Pandava brother and finds a spiritual sister, Mini. Guided by a surly pigeon, they battle demons and use their skills to save the world.

Chokshi founds the rich Indian mythology with fleshed out characters and seamlessly incorporates it into the real world. I particularly loved the use of Costco as an otherworldly marketplace. The narration by Soneela Nankani is pitch perfect and thoroughly enjoyable. Highly recommend this for those who love mythological fantasy.

Cover image for The storm runner

The Storm Runner by J.C Cervantes

Based on Mayan mythology, The Storm Runner is the most analogous to the source material of Rick Riordan, much to its detriment.  Zane is a bullied thirteen year old who lives on the side of a volcano.  He loves his dog and tries to help out his single mother and get along with his somewhat immature uncle.  When the volcano is invaded by disgusting demons, Zane finds himself to be at the center of a prophecy that could spell the end of the world.

Zane’s adventure is supported by many different creatures from Mayan mythology, including a rich pantheon of gods. While it is an interesting look at these diverse stories, the overall plot is extremely predictable and follow middle-grade tropes.  A budding romance, complicated relationships with parents, and unlocking special powers just to name a few.  I would recommend this book to readers who really are just looking at Percy Jackson in a different flavor, but it may be disappointing to those who would like a fresh perspective.

Cover image for Dragon Pearl

The Dragon Pearl by Yoon Ha Lee

Lee is an acclaimed sci-fi writer whose adult work is extremely dense. Thankfully, this entry into children’s work is much more accessible and allowed me to appreciate his ideas more. This novel follows Min, a fox shapeshifter (gumiho) who lives with her family eking out a life trying to avoid persecution. When her brother is charged with deserting the Space Forces, she strikes out to clear the family name and rescue her brother.

This is a high octane space adventure that features many characters from Korean mythology, mixing the spiritual and scientific. At some points it seems as though the plot jumps quite a bit, with many characters being introduced then forgotten about quickly. The world building and integration of Korean mythology is seamless, which is unsurprising considering Lee’s other work.  The book definitely feels like a set-up to a greater adventure, so I would recommend this to someone who wants to start a series.

Cover image for Sal & Gabi break the universe

Sal and Gabi Break the Universe by Carlos Hernandez

This book features the barest hint of science fiction employing Latin American magical realism. The story truly revolves around the main character, Sal, as he deals with his Type 1 diabetes and grief over his beloved mother. Through meditation he has the ability to reach into the multiverse and bring items into his own, which is a great power when you are a magician in the making.  However, his tricks end up destabilizing the universe when he puts a raw chicken into a bully’s locker.

Gabi is a high achieving lawyer to be who finds Sal’s shenanigans to be suspect.  Sal soon begrudgingly befriends the focused Gabi as they both strive to fix the problems in their lives while maintaining the space-time continuum.  What is unique about this novel is that most of the characters are mature and well-meaning.  The parents and teachers are supportive and Sal and Gabi’s problems don’t rely on tween surliness.  The characterization is on point, even with the “antagonists” who are well-rounded and sympathetic. We can only hope our next generation is as great as Sal and Gabi, which would only be possible with the type of support and parenting the adults in this book provide. Also, extra bonus for limiting romantic entanglements!

All in all, this is my personal ranking of Rick Riordan Presents Phase 1 (in descending enjoyment):

Aru Shah and the End of Time

Sal and Gabi Break the Universe

The Dragon Pearl

The Storm Runner






Humor in the Stars

I have pretty narrow reading tastes, most of which consists of science fiction and fantasy. Unfortunately, for a long time there was a trend of super serious space operas and epic fantasy (*cough* Game of Thrones *cough*) which I don’t generally care for.  Lately, however, I have seen a recent uptick in lighter sci-fi fare.  Most of it features motley crews doing dirty work across systems.  Basically a Firefly resurgence building on the original themes of a space western.  You can tell these books because the description uses terms such as “misfits” or “ragtag” and implications of criminals with hearts of gold.

There have been so many that I haven’t had the chance to read all of them, but here are some I’ve seen published recently if fun adventures of the episode are your jam.

Cover image for The long way to a small, angry planet

I mentioned Chambers and her universe of stories in my world-building post, but I am mentioning it again because I feel that it really kick-started this new publishing trend.  This novel burst out on the self-published scene and was then re-published to great acclaim.  When I first read it, it felt like a blast to the past of the campy Star Trek days.  Featuring a woman trying to escape her path, she finds newfound purpose and place on a ship that tunnels wormholes.  Kind of like construction workers of the future.  Fun with great character development.

Cover image for A big ship at the edge of the universe

The Salvagers series by Alex White

This series is one that I have had my eye on for about a year.  Featuring two down and out women running from circumstances that threaten their lives, a speed racer and a treasure hunter fall into a smuggling crew for an intergalactic adventure.  This book pretty much ticks off all the tropes associated with this type of space opera.  Criminals who stand in opposition to conspiracy, characters who are initially at odds then bond over shared experiences, and of course probably a lot of space fights.

Gate Crashers by Patrick S. Tomlinson

I think that humans as a fallible species is something that is often explored, but I never get tired of it. Serious space operas are too full of self-righteous posturing that gets tiresome.  So instead, it is fun to watch humans do what they do best, stumble around and try to get themselves out of the messes they create.  This concept is the heart of the first contact novel, Gate Crashers, where a research ship discovers then takes (very colonial like) an alien artifact and sets off conflict with other species.  I like the concept that humans make mistakes and then learn from them (hopefully that is what happens).

Cover image for Starflight

Starflight series by Melissa Landers’

YA lit tends to be a little more fun, but I feel that this series channeled the spirit of the crew on the run better than most.  The books follow Solara, who is on the lower rungs of society as she tries to escape her circumstances.  Of course, hijinks ensue and she ends up on a suspect ship and crew. The first book is better than the second.

Cover image for Space unicorn blues

Space Unicorn Blues by T.J. Berry

This book sounds kind of ridiculous.  I haven’t read it so I am not sure if is fun ridiculous or over-the-top. The description where magical creatures in space can be used as fuel and or good-luck sounds like this series will be a urban fantasy space opera mash up.  Sounds great in theory but I am a little skeptical about the execution.  But really, can’t get more campy than unicorn renegades in space, right?

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Janitors of the Post-Apocalypse series by Jim C. Hines

Actually, I don’t know if unicorns in space or low-intelligent human janitors in space is more ridiculous.  Jim C. Hines is the author of the Libriomancer series, which is urban fantasy at its campiest so there are similar vibes from this series.  Set in the future, humans on Earth are now reduced to feral creatures with some “rescued” humans existing as maintenance crews for aliens.  As per usual, not all is what it seems though. This book is definitely on the far side of kitschy, so you really will have to love the cheese.

Cover image for Finder

The Finder by Suzanne Palmer

Many of the books above have humor built into the core of the story.  Others, like this one, feature an anti-hero with a gallows-like sense of humor that creates levity in an otherwise straight forward space opera.  This novel features a repo-man who gets caught up in a job gone bad in the edge of civilization.  The idea of assisting down-trodden but hard working folk is very much in the space western purview.  I’ve only started to read this one, but it has that feel of a somewhat lighter adventure story.  Fans of Richard Kadrey’s Sandman Slim series or the Netflix version of Altered Carbon will find much to enjoy here.


Language Barriers

Language is an interesting theme that is often explored in books.  Communication is such a key component to relationships and can facilitate empathy and interaction.  I remember the Star Trek: The Next generation episode of “Darmok” being played in language classes to demonstrate the need for translation.  Recently, I started reading The Raven Tower by Ann Leckie which touches on this topic and it made me think of different works I’ve enjoyed that use language as a key literary element.  Here are some that I found interesting and engaging.

Cover image for Embassytown

Embassytown by China Miéville

This book features a similar theme to “Darmok” with an alien species that has a unique language that makes translation difficult.  When cultures and species clash, things turn deadly and frightening for both the native species and the human colonists.  I loved the way the language was used as a framework for the culture and how it can lead to paradigm shifts.

Cover image for Arrival [DVD]

Arrival [DVD] directed by Denis Villeneuve

This movie is based on the novella, “Story of Your Life” by Ted Chiang.  I debated which I would include on the list, but I haven’t read the novella so I thought I would talk about the work I have seen.  Arrival was a great film that stayed true to its science fiction roots.  While there is some tension and conflict met with violence, ultimately it was more of a concept film that remained accessible to the masses.  The directing and acting are superb and gives me hope that more science fiction will be adapted in a true fashion.

Cover image for Lexicon

Lexicon by Max Barry

The premise of this book is a bit strange.  Basically people have archetypes and if you are familiar with these psychological profiles, you can control anyone with the right combination of words and sounds. This book follows the secret organization that leverages that power and what happens when one breaks rank.  I enjoyed the concept of using language as a weapon and the literal effect it can have in this book.

Cover image for The word exchange : a novel

The Word Exchange by Alena Graedon

Imagine what would happen if language and communication became increasingly reliant on technology and social media.  What if it became susceptible to the same exploits and hacks as your phone?  What if people began to lose the ability to communicate?  This novel explores those concepts in this fast pace thriller that kind of gave me the Dan Brown vibes.

Cover image for Netherspace

Netherspace trilogy by Andrew Lane and Nigel Foster

I’ve only read the first novel in this trilogy, Netherspace, but I enjoyed the overarching concept that aliens may simply be so foreign that communication is impossible.  With almost all the other works in this list, everyone ultimately finds a method for communicating, but it is not so clear in this series. Also, these aliens are super weird and not idealized like in other books, so I appreciate that as well.

Cover image for The Raven tower

Cover image for Ancillary justice

Ann Leckie books

Language is something that Ann Leckie likes to explore.  As I mentioned earlier, The Raven Tower is the most recent Leckie book that made me consider this subject as a whole.  However, upon reflection, the use of language is important to her award winning Imperial Radch universe, the first of which is Ancillary Justice. In the latter, aliens resort to breeding translators to overcome the language barrier.  The Raven Tower uses the barrier between mortals and gods a key story element. Leckie’s writing is compelling and simultaneously high concept and accessible.

Go Through

One display I was raring to put up was a portal fantasy one for the SFF section at Olympia.  I wasn’t able to do so before I left, so now you all can enjoy it here!  I am using the concept of portal loosely and have broken them down into my own sub-sections.  Here are some of the books I have enjoyed along these lines.


I am a little obsessed with books being magical, because to me, they are.  Apparently, I am not the only one because people have written about it!

Cover image for The invisible library [large print]

Invisible Library series by Genevieve Cogman

This British import is definitely a page turning light read.  The concept is that there is a group of Librarians in charge of stabilizing different worlds by holding it together with a massive library in a pocket dimension of sorts. There is a little romance, lots of adventure, and will appeal to those who like hijinks and a steampunk flair.

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Thursday Next series by Jasper Fforde

I discovered this book on a whim at Orca Books when I was a teenager and it set me on this path of books about books.  In an alternate version of England, there are basically book police and Thursday Next is one of their best agents. In a high stakes book heist she realizes that she has the power to access books in their own world.  It’s complicated and totally zany.  Think Monty Python meets Dirk Gently.  The books only get crazier as they go on, though the author has taken a long hiatus from the series.

Cover image for The Forbidden Library

Forbidden Library series by Django Wexler

Here’s a middle grade series for all the book lovers young and old.  One of my co-workers recommended it to me and made me realize that kids sometimes get the best stuff.  A young girl discovers she has the powers of a Reader to harness magical books and trap creatures from their homes into books.  She uses this power to try and find her father, who was supposedly killed at sea.  The audiobooks of the series are very enjoyable and the series has the added bonus of being finished!  I wasn’t so thrilled with the ending, but I guess you can’t push it too far for middle graders.

Alternate Universes

I am including this sub-section because I feel like it is very similar to portal fantasy.  Instead of a weird world, you are just seeing a world similar to our own or at least in some respects. Also I have a fondness for this sci-fi trope as it is used heavily in basically all the campy TV shows.

Cover image for The fold

The Fold by Peter Clines

This book follows Clines’ love of horror as it slowly unfolds the danger of scientific experiments with portal travel.  Technically the alternate universe heading is a bit of a spoiler, but the author clearly foreshadows this reveal from the beginning.  I enjoyed the in-depth look at ethical considerations in scientific experiments.  Basically, if you liked the 90’s movie trend of sci-fi horror, you will probably like this book.

Cover image for All our wrong todays : a novel

All Our Wrong Todays by Elan Mastai

I generally don’t like time traveling books, but this one was so engrossing as it focused on the main character, Tom Barren, and how his character flaws leads to a disastrous turn of events.  The premise of the book is that through time travel, the ideal 60’s image of the future is ruined to our general conception of progress.  Tom tries to fix his mistake while also trying to fit into a world he has no context for. This books is one of the few that had me guessing until the very end.

Cover image for A darker shade of magic

Shades of Magic Trilogy

A rare fantasy based alternate universe.  This trilogy is dark and steeped in politics.  Set in 18th century London, the story follows Kell, one of the few magicians who can step through between various versions of London with different levels of magic available.  His ambassadorial duties embroils him in a magical threat that will soon devour all worlds.  Featuring great characters and high stakes adventures, this trilogy bridges urban and epic fantasy in a nice way.  Also, there are pirates!

Classic Portals

These books draw on the notion that we can visit strange worlds just by stepping through some sort of device.  Think Narnia or Alice in Wonderland.

Cover image for Every heart a doorway

Wayward Children novellas by Seanan McGuire

I love this series of novellas as they are very meta. Many works have touched on what would happen to children who venture into portal worlds, only to be sucked back into “normal” life, but often focusing on established universes.  McGuire imagines the whole range of universes and the children that are drawn to them.  After they return to normal Earth, they inevitably struggle to fit back into their old lives but find refuge Eleanor West’s Home for Wayward Children.  The world building is brief but very effective and taps into the desire we all have to find that one place where we belong.

Cover image for The magicians : a novel

The Magicians trilogy by Lev Grossman

This trilogy is marketed as Harry Potter for grown-ups as it follows a young man as he discovers his ability to perform magic.  It is also getting more notice recently because it has been adapted to a TV series on Syfy.  I’ve included it on this list because one of the major components to the plot is a magical land heavily inspired by Narnia, except even more deadly. The books are interesting and the TV show is a bit campy.

Cover image for The girl who circumnavigated Fairyland in a ship of her own making

Fairyland series by Cathrynne M. Valente

This middle grade series is steeped in tropes from its predecessors, bringing whimsy and ideas from Alice in Wonderland and the Wizard of Oz.  Valente, however, brings a bit of a modern take with stronger characters and a tighter plot (in my opinion).  Come for the great art, stay for the ridiculously long titles.  Also, if you enjoy these books, Valente also wrote a similar yarn featuring the Bronte siblings with The Glass Town Game.