This is How You Lose the Time War by Amal El-Mohtar & Max Gladstone

This Is How You Lose the Time War by Amal El-Mohtar & Max Gladstone

A pseudo-epistolary novel that captures intense feelings and world-building in few pages. Fans of the new SFF novella wave will enjoy this collaboration that is lush with lyrical descriptions.

The premise of this story is familiar to fans of SFF. Agents from warring factions, in this case for control of the future, begin a rivalry which blossoms into something more. Even the names of the agents, Red and Blue, calls to mind another sci-fi series based on the video game Halo. What makes this book shine above this basic premise is the beautiful writing and impactful setting.

Max Gladstone is known for his fantasy work and world-building. I was not familiar with Amal El-Mohtar before this book, but her bibliography indicates that she is a prolific short story author and poet. Together, their comparative strengths brings this story to life where the thrill of Red and Blue one-upping each other in stranger and stranger locales is grounded by the strength of the characters and their depiction. What is even more remarkable about the book is that it clocks in just shy of 200 pages, making it an intense but quick read.

Recently, a friend asked me to recommend books for her book club who are very sci-fi averse. I originally recommended Binti by Nnedi Okorafor, but I feel that this book also fits the bill too. The plot is fairly straightforward but has enough depth to capture those who avoid the pulp. It has many sci-fi tropes that would be a great entry into the genre for new readers, but has a nice spin to keep a seasoned reader. Most importantly, it seems to be a stand-alone novel and has a lyrical quality that “literary fiction” often touts. So, if you too have other reluctant sci-fi friends, this book might be a great way to hook them.